The Canary Islands are a volcanic origin, so you will find the best surf spots with a rock-bottom point breaks. Don’t worry – most of them got easy access. Perfect for beginners and intermediate surfers. If you are coming to south of Tenerife and wondering where to surf – read this article. Here you will find lots of useful information if it comes to Playa de Las Americas – every surfer’s paradise on the island and not only!

Tenerife South

Tenerife is the largest of all the Canary islands and has the most diverse climate. Especially during winter when you can experience all four seasons in one day! Yearly average temperature of 20 degrees and wide variety of surf spots for all levels makes the island perfect destiny for surfers.

South is a side of the island where you got summer all year around. Its sandy landscape and rocky beaches makes a standout from what we got used to in Europe and let you feel that you are on the island even more. As we are situated on the volcanic origin background the sand that you will find on almost every beach is black (mostly found in the north). The exception are the artificial onces with light color sand brought from Africa.

Besides the sandy beaches you will find lots of rocky background entrance to the water. In the south there is way much more of those. So don’t waste your time looking for a piece of sand, just put a towel on a stones and enjoy the canarian sun. Also if it comes to surfing in the south coast you will surf mostly on the rock-bottom spots. Below you will find a description of our 3 top beginners surf spots.

happy girl surfing in Tenerife

Playa de Las Americas

Las Americas is like a mecca for every surfer. Several point breaks within 10min walking distance makes it a perfect place for all surfers. No matter what level you got you will find something for yourself. From beginner surf spots to advanced level where takes place internacional surfing competitions.

El Medio

The most popular surf spot in Playa de Las Americas for starting your journey with surfing. Suitable for all surfing levels: from first timers to advanced surfers. Depending on the swells everyone can find perfect waves for themselves. Despite the rocky bottom the entrance is wide and easy to access. El Medio got really wide peak and because of that even on the most crowded days you will find your spot in the water.

When to surf?

El Medio is a surf spot that works all year around, at any time. Of course depending on a swell, waves condition and the surfer skills. If you are a beginner the best time for you will be mid or low tide. If you got intermediate or advance level you will enjoy middle tide the most. Remember, it’s not recommended to go with a high tide without knowing the spot and having necessary skills on the board. So if you don’t feel confident enough or not enjoying going to the water alone contact with us and let’s arrange some lesson together.

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Fat left hand waves make it easy and accesible for all surfing levels. Firstly have in mind that everything depend on a swell power and general conditions. Not everyday it will be a good idea to enter the surf spot without the certificated instructor if your skills are low. Unfortunately small peak makes Piscina a crowded place even with small amount of surfers in the water. Additionally the access is little bit tricky as it’s really rocky. So our good advice is to use reef boots. Piscina got same way to enter as Derecha. The difference is you paddle to the left. The surf spot is working with a south swell so makes it perfect place for summer time surfing.

When to surf?

The surf spot is working at it best with high tide going down and middle tide. Summer is the best season for beginners to enjoy the spot.


Either you love it or hate it. The first surf spot walking by the coast from Los Cristianos. Due to its bottom can get you confusing at the first look if it comes to reading the waves but the peak is opening the pocket of the wave for both, lefts and rights which makes the surf spot great for both goofy and regular beginner surfers. You can practice your skills on both sides. Same as in the other spots the access is pretty rocky so reef boots are highly recommended!

When to surf?

The surf spot is working at it best with middle tide, which doesn’t mean you can’t go surfing with low tide or high tide. Always remember that everyday water level and waves power is different, so everything depends on the particular day. Summer is the best season for beginners to enjoy the spot.

El Médano

Mostly known as kite/wind surfers paradise due to windy microclimate. However there is some places where you can start your surfing adventure.


La Jaquita

If you are scared of rocky bottom surf spots this is a place for you! The sandy beach where from time to time we also do the private courses for our students. As I mentioned before el Médano is quite windy area but there is somedays when it’s possible to surf here. For beginners, especially the youngest surfers it will be a perfect place to start.

When to surf?

The best season for waves here is during summer. The wind is not so strong and sometimes you can even find days with 0 wind and clear waves. As it is a sandy beach you don’t have to worry that on the high tide wave will be breaking into rocks as it happens in Las Americas. Although on some days when there is too much water it can get completely flat.

el Medano surfing spot

Surf lessons

If you just about to start your surfing adventure we recommend you taking some surfing lessons with qualified person. In Rocky Point we do provide beginners courses with certificated instructor in areas mentioned in the article. The group lessons mostly take places in Playa de Las Americas. Here also we got our main base with all the equipment.
